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Eros and Holiness: Part Fifteen: A Better Way to Dance: Marc Gafni

Marc Gafni » Blog - Spiritually Incorrect » Blog-Series: Eros & Holiness » Eros-Ethics-Meaning » Eros and Holiness: Part Fifteen: A Better Way to Dance: Marc Gafni

marc gafni
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The Dancing Master
Our lives are overflowing with The Void. You know the void. The big hole you feel inside. Sometimes it has hurt so much you can barely move. Usually it is a dull and throbbing pain. The background noise of most lives. We do everything we can to fill the Void. We even have a handy word for it: avoidance, to avoid the emptiness. A —void —dance. We develop the most elaborate dances you can imagine — never realizing — that it is all a-void —dance. That if we could but taste fullness a moment — the empty dances of addiction, power, violence and abusive sex would be transformed into the erotic dance of being. The dance with the Goddess Divine, whom the Hebrew mystics called the Shehina. The dance in which we all have a place.

The mystics teach us that to access the erotics of being — the fullness of ourselves in every moment – we need to first stay in the emptiness for a while. To resist filling up the emptiness with quick hits of pseudo eros. This is the secret of dance. Dance me to the end of love. The best metaphor for this book is a dance whose goal is no less than to choreograph the ancient mystery of love. I hope to unfold for you a great and secret kabalistic path which shows you a way beyond the emptiness to the fullness of presence.

The merciless rule of the market has undermined even the art of spiritual teaching. We live in age in which we run from depth. The emptiness is so palpable and overwhelming that we would fill it at virtually any price. So we seek immediate gratification — the quick fix — a book a drug a relationship a job —anything to fill the gaping hole in our wholeness. In a book you reads a few pages- If you don’t get a few quick hits of pseudo Eros you move on the next activity. We run desperately looking for the next watering hole which might fill up the gaping fissure we feel so deeply and try so hard to hide. We might seem on the outside to be dancing —but really we are gasping for air. Picture the image of a bee in an air tight bottle. Seen from the outside the bee darts from side to side in ecstatic dance. On the inside however there is neither dance nor ecstasy. The bee is slowly dying. Suffocating. It was not meant to be this way. Life should not be a pathos filled scramble to grab some snatches of authenticity in between all the charades of emptiness. There is another way to dance.

marc gafni
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Meet Dr. Marc Gafni, Visionary Philosopher,
Author, and Social Innovator