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Gershon Winkler Dialogues with Marc Gafni

gershon_winklerMarc GafniRabbi Gershon Winkler and Marc Gafni have come together with the intention of authoring a new model for a Code of Jewish Law, at least as it pertains to specific areas of the law.

They have chosen Eben Ha-Ezer as the first arena to engage, the section of the Code of Jewish Law that deals with the relations between the sexes, sexuality, marriage and a host of related topics.

In this series of dialogues, Gershon Winkler and Marc Gafni map out their intention for the book and some of its radical and cutting edge content and form.

Tentative chapters of the book include:

1) A prologue on the nature of law in Judaism from the perspective of an evolving consciousness.

2) The full range of possibilities in the law in regard to the form and contexts of sexual practice.

3) The reading of sexual practice both in its active expansion and restrictive contraction as spiritual practice.

4) An in-depth conversation on the relationship between sexuality and spirituality from the perspective of the law.

5) A discussion of contemporary sexual issues including sexual harassment, date rape, demonization, victim and power feminism, different models of relationships between teacher and student in various contexts, the nature of power and its distribution, the laws of slander and their application to rumor, complaints, and the like.

6) A discussion on the nature of the masculine and feminine.

7) How we respond to tragedy — both personal tragedy and that of a colleague or a friends…

… and much more.

Stream their dialogue here:



Meet Dr. Marc Gafni, Visionary Philosopher,
Author, and Social Innovator