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Harold and Maude: Love and Perception: Marc Gafni

Marc Gafni » Blog - Spiritually Incorrect » Eros-Ethics-Meaning » Hebrew Wisdom » Harold and Maude: Love and Perception: Marc Gafni

Inside, Insight

Plato thus echoes biblical myth when he says that the “deepest insight springs from love.” Love is all about insight — in-sight. The ability to see in, to the inside of the inside — to the Holy of Holies that is your lover. Eros is being on the inside. Thus, love is an erotic perception of the highest order.

Naturally you have to move way beyond sexual seeing. Sex only models eros. To be an erotic lover you have to understand that “what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
The more real a thing is, the less you can see it. Things like love, or God, or feelings, or memories. None of these can be seen, weighed, counted, proven. Yet, they are the more real than any data in the world. Sometimes we need to tell people, “Open your eyes! Don’t you see that you are being used, cheated or swindled?”

I feel that much of the world’s sorrow comes from people who are this, yet allow themselves to be treated as that.
“Harold and Maude” (Hal Ashby, dir.)

But how much more often do we have to invite people to close their eyes? “Close your eyes! Don’t you see you are being loved, adored and infinitely appreciated?” For there are whole worlds you can only glimpse if you close your furnished eyes. Only then can you see clearly. Only then can you see the soul print in every flower, in every cloud, in every pebble, in every encounter.

marc gafni
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Meet Dr. Marc Gafni, Visionary Philosopher,
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