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Sex is our teacher: Marc Gafni

Marc Gafni » Blog - Spiritually Incorrect » Eros-Ethics-Meaning » Sex is our teacher: Marc Gafni

We know that eros is very different than sex. Yet beyond eros, we also know that sexual symbolism was central in the Jerusalem Temple. The most striking of these symbols were the sexually entwined cherubs perched atop the ark of the covenant in the Holy of Holies. Yet why should this be so if the Temple is the seat of eros and eros we know is something very different than sex?

The answer is simple yet elegant and powerful. Sex and eros are different but essentially related. The relation is that sex models the erotic. That is to say, within the sexual itself are the most important hints of eros. It is from the nature of the sexual that we learn what it means to live erotically.

Sex is neither our enemy nor our playmate — though it is sometimes both. Primarily however sex is our teacher, always hinting at the way.

marc gafni
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