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Falling in Love: Part Thirty Three: Marc Gafni

Marc Gafni » Blog - Spiritually Incorrect » Blog-Series: Falling in Love » Eros-Ethics-Meaning » Falling in Love: Part Thirty Three: Marc Gafni

picking up from yesterday…

So let’s start with prerequisite for intimacy number one: Leaving your father and mother.

No parent is perfect. No parent can fully meet all of their children’s needs. Children though are formed in the cauldrons of their parents’ love. As a result, children will often change themselves in all sorts of essential ways to please their parents.

When our parents tell a part of you to get lost; it does!

You are split off from a part of who you are. Your child self never grows up. This child is always looking to reclaim your lost self.

Incarnates of our Lost Self

Now, there are two different ways we go about recovering our lost selves. The first two, we do unconsciously.

First, we look for a person who personifies our lost self. Let’s say you had a wild side that got harshly tamed. If you have lost that side you will be attracted to someone who personifies in your unconscious that very wildness. Or, you might have a need for quiet introverted time. Your parents however needed you to perform. As a result you lost your ability to nurture that quiet place in you. Every time your yearning heart pulls you there you feel like you are disappointing your parents.

to be continued tomorrow..

great day to you!

marc gafni
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Meet Dr. Marc Gafni, Visionary Philosopher,
Author, and Social Innovator