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Falling in Love: Part Twenty One: Marc Gafni[

Marc Gafni » Blog - Spiritually Incorrect » Blog-Series: Falling in Love » Eros-Ethics-Meaning » Falling in Love: Part Twenty One: Marc Gafni[

The Wisdom of the Womb

Fifth century masters tell of an angel who comes and teaches all the wisdom of the world to us as we are growing in the womb. But upon our birth, that same angel puts its finger to our lips, and we forget all that we have learned.

The cleft above our upper lip is the imprint of amnesia that the angel left at that moment. It is a reminder of all we have forgotten, of all that we once knew. Thus, it follows that all we learn in our lives is a process of regaining that very wisdom taught to us in the cloisters of the womb.

The same three stages are apparent in this image. First, the gift of knowledge — arousal from above — absorbed in the idyllic learning environment of the womb. Then the Fall of birth — our painful and traumatic entry into an uncertain and insecure world where our early angel-invested knowledge is completely lost. Then we begin the arduous process of learning. The knowledge that we gain through living — even if identical in content to that which we studied in the womb — is qualitatively higher and deeper… it is ours.

This is true in study, in love, in sex and in every other realm of human endeavor. In sex the initial rush of excitement which comes from the experience of the first time is lost fairly quickly. It may take a week, a month or a year but it always fades. At that point the couple have a decision to make. Do we split up because we have lost the magic? Or do we start doing the work to learn new spells and incantations that can bring the magic back? The choice to do the work requires energy depth and maturity. It has the potential however to produce a level of sexual intensity, intimacy and pleasure which far exceeds even the best of one night stands.

The same is true in love. The day we fall out of love we are confronted with the most important decision of our lives. Do we leave in search of new love? Or more accurately to repeat once more the old pattern of falling in love? Or do we decide to stay and begin the real work of loving? Helping us in our decision is the memory of just how good it can be. We know now what is possible. We have tasted and touched it in the depths of our souls.

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Meet Dr. Marc Gafni, Visionary Philosopher,
Author, and Social Innovator