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I love your Broken Heart and My Love can Heal it: Falling in Love: Marc Gafni

Marc Gafni » Blog - Spiritually Incorrect » Blog-Series: Falling in Love » Eros-Ethics-Meaning » I love your Broken Heart and My Love can Heal it: Falling in Love: Marc Gafni

A true story about the famous Kabbalist, Hayim of Sanz.

A Room With a Mirror

Hayim always stayed up studying into the depths of night. After everyone left the study hall he would sit at the window learning, all the while singing gentle harmonies. It is said that birds and angels would hover together at his window to hear his song, it was so spellbinding.

Late one night, a distinguished looking man came to Sanz, and not being familiar with the town, went to the study hall to seek directions. Being late, there was only Hayim there and he was lost in song and study. The man — no less enchanted than the birds and the angels — hovered at the doorway, waiting for Hayim to finish. When the last note was spent, approached this beautiful man and made him a proposition. “I have a daughter of marriageable age,” he said, ” I would be honored if she would have a groom such as you, and you will be well pleased by her wisdom and beauty.” Much to the man’s surprise Hayim agreed on the spot and — as was the custom in those times — the date was set for a year away.

Now the man’s daughter, Sari, was an independent sort and understandably desired greatly to see her groom before the wedding. Since this was against the custom, she devised her own plan. When her ‘intended’ would arrive in her town for the wedding, she’d secretly hide outside the ritual bath where he would surely immerse himself before morning prayers. Since he would not recognize her she would approach him as he left the building, pretending to be lost or the like and thereby both see his face and hear his voice.

Finally the day arrives. When Hayim came to town, her father greeted him and realized immediately why he had so readily agreed to the marriage. You see, in the study hall Hayim had sat throughout their entire conversation. Now — standing — it was painfully apparent that Hayim’s left leg was badly crippled. What could he say though, and he greeted Hayim warmly, all the while wondering how he was going to tell his daughter.

Of course, the very next morning Sari found out the news for herself when she “ran into him” outside of the ritual bath. She so was shocked to see his crippled leg and so outraged that she had not been told, that she ran home, crying that the wedding be called off. The house was in an uproar. No one knew what to do. Yes, she was right, she should have been told — but yet there was something so special about Hayim. He was clearly no ordinary man. And yet if she refused there was little anyone could do to force her.

Word got to Hayim about the turn of events. To everyone’s surprise, he came calmly to the house and asked to see the girl — alone, in a room — with no furniture save a large mirror. Needless to say all were shocked by this unorthodox request, yet there seemed to be little else to do but acquiesce. The girl, being kind and of good heart, agreed to the meeting as long as Hayim understood that nothing he could say would change her mind.

They entered the room together.

And not until many years later — after their love was the stuff of legend and after many grandchildren were born — did Sari tell of what happened in that room.

“We both stood silent with our heads lowered for what seemed like forever. Slowly I raised my head, as did he. He looked into my eyes so deeply that I felt fully exposed. Tears were streaming down his cheeks. He said five words. “Please look in the mirror.” I looked in the mirror and froze in fright.

I saw us both. He was completely healed. However, my left leg was crippled in exactly the way his had been. “I…I don’t understand. What does it mean?” — I finally managed to stammer.

“As you know,” answered Hayim, “I am fifteen years older than you. When I was fifteen I began to yearn for my soul mate. I knew it was not yet time but I could not wait. I demanded in heaven that I know your name. Indeed I was told your name but it was not enough for me. I longed to see you — I fasted and prayed, storming heaven until at last I was granted a vision of many women. I was told by a heavenly voice that I had to find which woman was my soul mate. I looked at all the women. But it was clear to me that it could only be you.

“You were so beautiful — I loved you so — but I also saw in your soul that you would be severely crippled in your left leg. I knew that you can only see the crippled places that clearly in the one who is your soul mate. I prayed and prayed for your healing but the heavens could not grant my request. So instead I prayed to be able to take your crippled leg myself, if only you would be spared. After great effort and much conflict in heaven, the exchange was allowed.”

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