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On Eros and Holiness, Sanity, Speed Racer, Why I Teach, Torah, Liberation, Humiliation and Humility, Non Duality, Part and Whole, the Holy of Holies and Thank You Larry. Part Two: Marc Gafni

Marc Gafni » Blog - Spiritually Incorrect » Enlightenment » Eros-Ethics-Meaning » Hebrew Wisdom » The Pain of Eros » On Eros and Holiness, Sanity, Speed Racer, Why I Teach, Torah, Liberation, Humiliation and Humility, Non Duality, Part and Whole, the Holy of Holies and Thank You Larry. Part Two: Marc Gafni

marc gafni
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Speed Racer is about teaching and transmission; Rex Racer, his father and mother and Trixie his girl friend since age seven or so are all Speed Racers teachers even as he is theirs. Speed Racer is about Eros. Not sex. Eros.

It is about the Eros of the traditional family; It is about the Eros of Integrity. But most of all it is about the Eros of Aliveness in which the limited human being expands into his divine self.

Speed Racer is about what it means to be alive. The meaning of life, not as theory but a lived experience. It is about the things that no one can take from you or from me.

It is a mystical movie in the sense that it must be tasted and not merely watched or understood. Christian Theologian Thomas Aquinas and Kabbalist Isaac the Blind both wrote that the essence of the mystical was captured by the biblical David when he wrote

Taste and See that God is Good.

Speed Racer is about realizing your divine nature in the fullness of family, love, extreme danger, death, destruction, and rebirth.

The plot is pretty simple even superficial. But that is because Larry did not want the plot to get in the way of the experience as it does so often in real life.

There is a race car driver. Rex Racer. He races in order to race. He races in order to realize the pure gorgeousness of his divine being. When he races, he drives with more elegance, more beauty, and more grace then could possibly inhabit one skin encapsulated ego.

He dies in the race only to be reborn into a different identity separated from his family and his brother. None the less he comes back to guide his younger brother, Speed Racer in the ways of the Erotic and the Ethical.

When Rex or Speed Racer race they do not do so to compete with any other driver.

When Speed racer races, he does not drive to win or be acclaimed.

He drives Lishmah.

Lishmah — a key word in ancient Hebrew wisdom means — “for it’s own sake”.

It is the secret of liberation, of joy, of peace, and of courage – it is what can end suffering for every human being.

Why do you eat ice cream?

To bolster your ego, to fortify your fragile existence in samsara, in the world of illusion? to convince yourself that you exist? that you matter? that your life has meaning?


You eat ice cream because in the moment of eating ice cream the world seems sane and good.

You are fully present in the moment; You eat ice cream Lishmah, for it’s own sake.

You eat exactly the amount of ice cream that you body can relish with dignity and grace and then you stop.

This is of course completely different then eating ice cream from a place of desperation.

Eating to cover up the emptiness instead of eating as an expression of the fullness of your being. Eating ice cream as a form of a- void —dance.

When you eat to fill the emptiness you naturally eat way to often and way to much and you are never really satisfied. Emptiness is impossible to fill.

You are not listening to the enlightenment which resides in your body which tells just when, how much and what to eat.

As long as you eat as a form of pseudo eros- the dances of desperation we do to dance around the void — what I call, a-void —dance, you will need diet plan after diet plan and none of them will work.

The second you give up screaming —I EXIST….and you let your fall into the depth of your being, you will wake up. You will know that you exist. You will no longer need to prove it. You can stop eating as way to dull the pain of your aloneness. You can stop eating as a substitute for love. You can stop to affirm your existence. Your existence and the value of your existence is the self-evident truth of your reality. For it is the truth of reality.

You do not eat to exist. You Exist to Eat. Lishmah; For it’s own sake.

It this simple moment of realization that will make you sane.

Marc Gafni

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Meet Dr. Marc Gafni, Visionary Philosopher,
Author, and Social Innovator