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The Third Law of Unique Self Encounters

Marc Gafni » Blog-Series: Unique Self Encounters » Unique Self / Soul Prints » The Third Law of Unique Self Encounters

By Marc Gafni

Labels Obstruct Unique Selves Contact

The internal labeling that we may apply to our fellow humans obstructs authentic contact between Unique Selves. A label is blinding when it prevents your attention from actually settling directly on the person you encounter. The most mentioned ethical guideline in biblical mysticism – appearing no less than thirty-six time — is, “Deal kindly with the stranger.” A stranger is anyone whose Unique Self is blocked from view by a limiting label. In Unique Self enlightenment, the absolute demand us to never let external labels transform the other into a stranger. In genuine Unique Self Encounters, there are no strangers.

Meet Dr. Marc Gafni, Visionary Philosopher,
Author, and Social Innovator