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The Seventh Law of Unique Self Encounters

Marc Gafni » Blog-Series: Unique Self Encounters » Unique Self / Soul Prints » The Seventh Law of Unique Self Encounters

Unique Self Encounters Require not Only Integrity but Evolutionary Integrity

By Marc Gafni

Your Unique Self is also defined by your evolutionary context. In a Unique Self encounter, you seek not only romantic, pragmatic, or emotional con- nection. You seek evolutionary relationship. In evolutionary relationship, you seek to manifest the evolutionary potential in your meeting. You let go of the narrow narcissistic needs that initially brought you together.
In an evolutionary relationship, you are obligated by evolutionary integrity. You identify the Unique Gift that your meeting holds. You see how this gift supports and furthers the ecstatic, evolutionary God-impulse that motivates and moves all of existence. Evolutionary integrity means that you bring all the people of the past, present, and future who might be affected by your decision into the room. You widen your sense of time from the immediate shallow time to deep evolutionary time.
The ethics of your decisions are then determined not just by the interpersonal matrix between the two of you, but by your evolutionary obligation to
all that might be born from your meeting.
This is why Unique Self encounters require not only integrity, but evolutionary integrity.

Meet Dr. Marc Gafni, Visionary Philosopher,
Author, and Social Innovator