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Audio 7: Reality Needs You

The Greatest Story Ever Told: Audio Series with Barbara Marx Hubbard & Marc Gafni

Dr. Marc Gafni:

Welcome everyone to podcast seven of the greatest story ever told, the new universe story, with Barbara Marx Hubbard. This is Marc Gafni and we’re here to tell the story which is the best understanding we have. Integrating the best wisdom of all the traditional period of the entire modern period and the entire post-modern period. Integrating all that wisdom into one narrative stream. What is the best universe story available to us today? Why does that matter? It matters because we live inside of our story, but our story’s not just a creation, it’s a discovery. It’s a discovery, it’s a revelation of the best wisdom we have about the nature of reality, and what our place is in that story. We’re interested not just in a theoretical universe story, but how are we personally implicated in that story? Knowing the story that I live in tells me why I’m alive.

Here we are in week seven. We know that the universe is a love story, and we know if you remember last two weeks that the universe gives an answer to the great question, who are you? Who are you? You are an irreducible, unique expression of the love, intelligence and love beauty, that is the animating and initiating eros of all that is, that lives in you, as you and through you. That never was, is or will be ever again other than through you lady Barbara. As such, Barbara has and Marc has and Liam, who’s holding the recording, and Merlin who’s partnering with us, right, we all have it. Every single person listening, each of us has an irreducibly unique perspective, and we have an irreducibly unique taste which is our unique quality of intimacy. That irreducibly unique perspective and taste and quality of intimacy manifests our unique capacity to give our unique gift, and our unique gift addresses a unique need. A unique need in us and a unique need in our circle of intimacy and influence that can be addressed by us and us alone, by no one else that ever was, is or will be, ever in history of reality.

Giving that unique gift and being that unique self, right, it’s about the giving of the gift and it’s the being, the incarnating of our unique quality of intimacy, that is the eros and telos of our lives, it’s the kilos and the eros of our lives. To live a telerotic life is to be incarnating your unique self but with one more step. As part of the unique self symphony, as part of the larger context, right, the great unique self symphony which is the basic structure of a new politics of evolutionary love. Now we’re not going to talk about unique self symphony today. We’re going to spend an entire couple of podcasts talking about what is this unique self symphony which is a great move from mastermind to metamind. Today and next week and for two weeks after, the next four weeks, we’ll spend four more weeks on self, really getting who is the self. What is this answer to the question of who are you?

What we’re going to do now is we’re going to borrow a page from Tibetan Buddhism which does what they call pointing out instructions. We’re going to do a pointing out instruction and to point it out means we point out what we already know. What do we already know in our first person? Pointing out points to that which you’re already aware of, but you’re unaware of what you’re unaware of. You’re unconscious about what your consciousness already knows. We point it out to you so you can actually see it. To renew a pointing out instruction, and the pointing out instruction will be the pointing out instruction of uniqueness. What does uniqueness tell us about reality? The first pointing out instruction that uniqueness tells us about reality, and particularly about our reality, about my life, about your life. Uniqueness tells you, it tells me, uniqueness tells you, there’s a big sentence, give us a drum roll. Lady B, uniqueness tells us you were intended by all that is. Wow. Oh my God, and remember the God you don’t believe in doesn’t exist, right?

Oh my God, Merlin, Merlin the magician, our partner in making these podcasts, that’s magic, right? When you actually realize you were intended by all that is, that’s shocking. What it does is it bursts you out of yourself and you have this realization that it’s not just me and my life kind of making my moves and grasping and trying to be successful and doing my good, my true, my beautiful. It’s more than that. You get underneath your personality, you get underneath your life, you get tryer to your life, you realize you were intended by all that is. That’s a shocking realization. In Buddhism we might call it a Kensho, K-E-N-S-H-O, right. It’s a moment where there’s a burst of illumination. You actually see reality clearly. You realize all of reality intended me. How do I know I’m unique? I’m irreducibly unique. I’m a unique expression with particular contours and texture, which was intended. Uniqueness always indicates intention. I was intended by reality.

Reality configured new and deeper configurations of intimacy, and the structure of my amino acids and my atomic structure and my sub atomic structure and my cellular structure, right. Ultimately that expresses itself in the cellular structure as my DNA and my RNA structure, right. The entire nature of my immune system, right, has a particular signature, right. I have been signed by reality, reality signed its name in my body, in my interior, in my essence. Wow. When you get that Lady B, right, something moves in you. For the first time you begin to feel at home. You have a place, you belong. That’s the first pointing out instruction, a requirement in order to basically awaken as the new human, right, to actually awaken as the personal face of evolution, to join the unique self symphony, right. To live this fully alive, telerotic life that we’re going to describe, I’ve got to realize reality intended me.

Lady B, what does that invoke in you? How does that resonate in your beautiful heart and mind?

Barbara Marx Hubbard:

Well you know I have been telerotic, for some time, I just want to describe again what that word means Marc. Telos, high purpose, life purpose, I want to express my potential and eros is juicy love. Now if any of us are attempting to fulfill what Marc is talking about, to be that unique self, that unique self has unique purpose. It’s driving us toward expression and when you fill that expression with love, you really become what we’re calling the new human. I think what you’re saying Marc is wonderful because it lays out the journey that we’re on in order to be this. Just one last thought here, is that it’s happening now because it’s the time on the planet for it to happen because we can’t go on in separated state, destroying our environment and survive. Maybe this crisis is exactly what we need Marc for the unique self to come forward, and that’s the purpose of our podcast, to bring us all forward.

Dr. Marc Gafni:

Yeah, no, yes and let’s just feel into this together Lady B, right, reality intended Barbara, right.

Barbara Marx Hubbard:


Dr. Marc Gafni:

Right, so just tell me, as you would say, right, in your first person experiential self, right, what do you feel when you feel reality intended Barbara? What does that evoke in you? What does that tell you? What does it invite?

Barbara Marx Hubbard:

I feel that whatever is motivating me is needed. I feel I’m needed by reality.

Dr. Marc Gafni:


Barbara Marx Hubbard:

I feel the thing that I want to accomplish in the world is needed. I’m needed and I’m unique and so it’s very important to me that I say yes to my impulse of creativity.

Dr. Marc Gafni:

Beautiful, well that’s so gorgeous and that really brings us to the second pointing out instruction of uniqueness. The first pointing out instruction of uniqueness is reality intended you, and Lady B, so you bring us to the second pointing out instruction which is reality needs you. Now those are different right? One leads to the other, right, but it’s a different experience. One is reality intended me, you know something like what the Buddhists would call your original face, before your mother and father were born. Not quite the same thing, but meaning before your mother and father were born, that is to say, that which is prior to everything that you’re experiencing, which is the ground of your being, right? Reality intended you adds to that an intention. An intention of reality to manifest you. If reality intended to manifest you uniquely, it’s because you are needed by all that is.

The way we would say it is something like, you know, your deed is God’s need, or if you’re stuck in the word God and you don’t really get that the God you don’t believe in doesn’t exist, right, your deed is reality’s need. Reality needs your service, and that really is the image we talked about beloved of a unique self, right, in which a unique self is a puzzle piece that completes the puzzle. The puzzle isn’t complete without you, yeah.

Barbara Marx Hubbard:

Then it’s to take that puzzle piece, puzzle image, I think of planet earth as a living system and every body is a member of that system. Just like every cell is a member of our body, so the puzzle here is the whole planetary system awakening to its own danger and its own possibilities, so we’re waking up to the unique self at a time when the planet is also waking up to the need for a new human, a new more empathetic, creative and loving person. I feel this uniqueness has a special “oomph”, emphasis, right now in history. Maybe then when I got born, way, way, way back and grew up in 1929 I was born, the early 1950s we got married, we were just to have babies and stay right there. Now look at us.

Dr. Marc Gafni:


Barbara Marx Hubbard:

We’re creative big time, so I think you need to say that the timing on earth is really accentuating what you’re saying.

Dr. Marc Gafni:

Yeah, and that unique self, that’s so true. Science tells us it’s true in a new way as well. We now know from chaos theory and systems theory, complexity theory, that actually there is nothing that exists independently of everything, right. Your unique place in the system actually directly affects the entire system, whether it’s the butterfly effect in contemporary science, right, a butterfly plopping its wings in Tokyo affects a tornado in New Orleans, however we want to say that in popular terms. You’re part of the system and you directly, you live in the system and you affect the entire system. We actually have a kind of scientific expression of this in a way that wasn’t possible to grasp earlier. We can kind of grasp it in our lives. We kind of get that what we do, if we trace the effect, it’s such a great exercise, if you trace the effect of anything that you do, you realize that the ripple effect of your decisions literally ripple throughout not only your reality, but the reality of thousands of people around you and then exponentially throughout the entire system.

That’s true on a purely physical level and it’s certainly true in terms of the interiors of reality, which are usually called mysticism, which is really just interior science. It’s true in the exterior, it’s true in the interior. Reality needs Barbara, and each one of us. Those are the-

Barbara Marx Hubbard:

You know Marc-

Dr. Marc Gafni:

Yeah, please.

Barbara Marx Hubbard:

What’s beautiful about that because sometimes it’s hard for people to know exactly what to do and what you can do that is needed. The way you find that out is you have to go into what most attracts you. You have to go into that heart’s desire, that yearning inside yourself and trust it because it’s a way of expressing your uniqueness.

Dr. Marc Gafni:

Yeah, it’s gorgeous, really, really. I mean, your uniqueness is, and this is maybe the last sentence from Lady B and I from podcast seven of the great universe story. Your uniqueness is your unique set of allurements, right. The universe needs you to be allured and to follow those allurements. Wow, so that’s the invitation, right. The unique self, two implications, reality intended you, reality needs you, reality needs you to follow your unique set of attractions and allurements to give your unique gift. Lady B, total love, what a delight. I’ll see you next week.

Barbara Marx Hubbard:

Sounds like a good plan.

Dr. Marc Gafni:

Amen. Thank you everyone.

Barbara Marx Hubbard:

All right.

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