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Distinction between Ego and Unique Self #12: Victim or Player

Marc Gafni » Daily Wisdom Post » Unique Self / Soul Prints » World Spirituality Practice » Distinction between Ego and Unique Self #12: Victim or Player

"Worried Young Woman On Bed" 2012. Photo Courtesy of David Castillo Dominici

©2012 “Worried Young Woman On Bed” Courtesy of David Castillo Dominici

In your ego, you cling to every petty detail of your story. You never let go of any of your wounds. Your mantra is “I hurt, therefore I am.” Therefore, your ego can never wholeheartedly forgive. If it does, the ego’s forgiveness is a tactic, not a sacrament. Your Unique Self forgives freely without giving up your own truth.

From the evolutionary context of your Unique Self, you realize that you have a Unique Gift to give to All-That-Is. You are animated, driven, and drawn by that larger vision and obligation. This allows you to place your wounds in a larger perspective. Your Unique Self is not a victim. It is an audacious player in the Great Story of the evolution of consciousness. This larger perspective allows you to begin to let go of the story of your wounds. As it is replaced by the greater story of your Unique Self, delight and obligation begin to emerge.

See the complete post on the Center for World Spirituality Website—>

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