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Redeem suffering

Marc Gafni » Daily Wisdom Post » Hebrew Wisdom » Unique Self / Soul Prints » Redeem suffering

How does your Unique Christ Self redeem suffering?

When the who of suffering becomes clear, then you can bear almost any how.  When you realize that the particular pain you feel is an intrinsic part of your passion and presence, part of your path and purpose, then it becomes somehow livable–even joyous.  The pains and joys of existence are felt to an almost unbearable degree, but you do not become lost in them.  You find pain and joy within you, rather than finding yourself in pain or in joy.  This is the incarnation of Jesus Christ that is to be realized in every person.

Dr. Marc Gafni
Your Unique Self (p. 67)

Meet Dr. Marc Gafni, Visionary Philosopher,
Author, and Social Innovator