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Sexuality Models Eros: The Summer Festival of Love Starts Saturday, July 26

Marc Gafni » Sexuality » Wisdom for Your Week » Sexuality Models Eros: The Summer Festival of Love Starts Saturday, July 26

loving-your-way-to-enlightenment-cover“Reality placed sexuality at the center of your existence, not as a cosmic tease, but as a cosmic invitation to a users guide to the universe, that contains in it all of the wisdom, all of the power, all of the intelligence, all of the strategy, all of the capacity that you need to live a successful, meaningful, alive, gorgeous existence.” Marc Gafni in his keynote address at the Summer Festival of Love 2013.

See here for the 2014 Summer Festival of Love, the 3rd Annual Mystery School, and the 1st Annual European Integral Wisdom Conference at the Venwoude Integral Practice Community in Holland, the week of July 26 – August 2.

Eros is not just sexuality
 it is the vast Creative Expression of the Universe. However, in its best expression, Sexuality models Eros as a microcosmic experience of the infinity of Eros.

We all know that underneath the success, the action, sometimes even the glamour and the excitement of our sexuality, there is this feeling that just kind of lives deep in our gut. And we ask ourselves: ‘Is this all there is?’

And sometimes the most sensitive among us, the people who really feel the emptiness and pain behind the question, and who aren’t willing to live in denial
 they may actually become addicts of varying types.

Addiction! They are the people that somehow break down. And we all know them because it’s us… it’s our brother or sister, our friend, a beloved. Because the more you actually live fearlessly, the more you look at reality and you face everything and avoid nothing. The more that question comes up
 and the question is…. ‘Is this all there is?’

Friends, what’s your worst nightmare? What’s your absolute worst nightmare, besides being tortured, because that is a really bad one? But within life as we are living it, what’s your worst nightmare? The most dreadful realization you can have?

You know what it is? We both know! It is the belief that your life does not matter. That you are insignificant. That you are irrelevant. That you are an extra on the set.

There are so many ways that people act out. There are so many ways to get into trouble. And the big one for most people is sexuality. And I am not talking about, rape, which is obviously tragic. I am not talking about sexual abuse, in all the forms that it comes, which is tragic. I am talking about the very ordinary ways that sex gets us into so much trouble. Everybody is looking for it. We all want to find an alive and loving sexuality, but so few actually open into this depth of human experience. Maybe there is a couple, living some place in Amsterdam or maybe it’s New Jersey and they got it going on. But for the rest of the world, it is a dream unfulfilled. It’s a yearning, we can imagine it, we can feel it, we can taste it, we just don’t know how to get there!

And the reason is: We are approaching through the wrong door! We are looking at sexuality as a fringe benefit, as an extra bonus that dulls some of the pain of a life filled with emptiness and quiet desperation. Sexuality is so much more than that.

Festival Information here—>

When you embody the reality that the universe has placed sexuality at the very center of our existence, you then also realize there are only one or two reasons for that truth. Either we are living in a sadistic universe
 a sadistic reality that says, “Hey, sexuality? Looks great doesn’t it? You’ll never get it!” Keep yearning for it, keep longing for it. Keep being jealous of the one person you think is getting it, who themselves is jealous of some one else. A great sadistic game of an evil universe.

But neither you or I think that that is the case. And actually all the great Einsteins of consciousness that went deeply, that moved deeply into the inner face of reality, which is what I have spent my life doing
 entering into the interior face of reality and feeling, thinking and imagining and contemplating and meditating upon the true nature of reality. And particularly upon the existential nature of sexuality.

When you really get it, you realize that the reason Reality placed sexuality at the center of our existence is because Reality is awake and alive with LOVE. What reality is saying is; “Hey hey, look at me, check this out, sexuality.” You know what sexuality is?

It is a hidden users guide to the universe!

In the principles of sexuality, you have the model, the wisdom of Eros. The sexual is in Eros; The Sexual models Eros! And Eros is, erotic living, radical aliveness, radical creativity, radical engagement. Eros
 Twelve core principles of Eros are modeled in the Sexual.

Reality placed sexuality at the center of your existence, not as a cosmic tease, but as a cosmic invitation to a users guide to the universe, that contains in it all of the wisdom, all of the power, all of the intelligence, all of the strategy, all of the capacity that you need to live a successful, meaningful, alive, gorgeous existence.

So what I want to offer to you is no less than a users guide to the universe! Can you imagine buying a car without a users guide? Getting a new computer without a users guide? But we are living in the universe and we are not usually accessing a core set of principles, of sacred technologies, that make it all possible! The greatest gift you can ever give yourself is to learn to move past shame and constriction into an embrace of your deepest capacity for intimacy and sexuality. And not only that, it is the greatest gift you could ever give to every person who loves you, who needs you, who relies on you. And more than that, it is the gift you could give to reality, because reality needs you, needs your service, and needs your outrageous acts of love!

Meet Dr. Marc Gafni, Visionary Philosopher,
Author, and Social Innovator