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Words of Appreciation from the Summer Festival of Love 2015 (Part 2)

Marc Gafni » Blog - Spiritually Incorrect » Events with Marc Gafni » Integral Wisdom » Masculine & Feminine » Mystery School of Love » Outrageous Love » Words of Appreciation from the Summer Festival of Love 2015 (Part 2)

After the Summer Festival of Love, some of the contributors shared their experiences in a private email thread. We are happy to have their permission to share these Outrageous Love testimonials with you!

Read the first part here>>>


Chahat Corten, who is the Director of the Mystery School of Love at Venwoude as well as a Founding Member and Holder of the Venwoude Community, then responded:

Kristina, you have the grace and holy gift of transmitting the awesome whole of our beloved teacher, wild, spiritual artist that Marc is in such beautiful words.

Holy gratitude and recognition of the depth of wisdom that is alive before our eyes here.

Claire I can totally feel your beautiful clarity that I have been experiencing deeper in this Mystery School again…

I am so totally grateful and radically blessed to be part of this band of Outrageous Lovers around this most beautiful, alive and aflame Unique Expression of Totality that we know as Marc.

Right now, my Facebook News Feed and email as well as our  Mystery School of Love Facebook Page are flooded with the most gorgeous comments and love letters that make me realize even more deeply the enormous transformative impact of the LOVE Power that has been brought down here in this Mystery School of Love.

Sending Outrageous Love and deep gratitude in abundance to all of you.

Deep bow and OLATT

(outrageous love all the time),


Finally Kerstin Zohar Tuschik, Program Director, Managing Editor, and Scholar for the Center for Integral Wisdom, responded:

Kerstin Zohar TuschikWhat a beautiful thread! Thank you so much, every one of you, for your wonderful voices in this. I can only agree with you all…

For me, these outrageous days have been a dream come true. THIS is what I have already wished for–all my life. I don’t know how often I have thought during these days: WOW, it is really happening. And we are IT.

In the meeting of Marc, the dharma, the Venwoude community, all of us, and the evolutionary purpose that brought us all together, IT was happening in us, as us, and through us–the Unique Self symphony in action committing outrageous acts of love together–what a pleasure. And YES, Marc was bringing down new dharma every day, the Goddess was dancing, and the container became more and more alive.

For me, the dharma of level 3 evolutionary relationships is really the link between Unique Self and the Unique Self symphony. The forming of evolutionary relationships to commit outrageous acts together is what makes HER come alive in the symphony in radical agency AND radical communion. Each one of us finding our own integration of circles and lines within us (our Unique Gender, our Hieros Gamos) is what then allows for the dance of circles and lines on the outside–as it has always been all the way up and all the way down–but fully conscious for the first time in history.

The healing of the masculine/line quality by disentangling its light and shadow expressions allowed both men and women to step into their full beauty, power, love, and authentic self-expression. And then SHE danced us fully open: Marc had the Venwoude team change the setting overnight, so the room reflected the circle energy, while his method of teaching and transmission changed dramatically–bringing us all home into HER embrace, while opening the space even wider in order to embrace every single sentient being in the whole cosmos. WOW!

CIW-LogoCIW is alive in three major pillars through which its message and method is transmitted into the world:

  • The mystical world of lineage and dharma that is most alive in our Mystery Schools, Wisdom Schools, and Holy of Holies
  • The scholarly world of the academy, philosophy, and think tank projects that comes alive in our think tank books, conferences, and other projects
  • The mainstream world of business, relationships, and outrageous love that can reach millions of people and change the way they think about everything. (It was so touching to see the children during our week and how easily they got the idea of committing outrageous acts of love together. Imagine a world where children grow up into the knowing that that is what makes you successful…)

All of these have their own places, publications, and events. And of course they are not separate but deeply interwoven. I feel attracted to all of them and don’t want to miss any. WOW!

I love you all so much.


Kerstin Zohar

Meet Dr. Marc Gafni, Visionary Philosopher,
Author, and Social Innovator