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Why Evolve Beyond the Separate Self? with Marc Gafni

Marc Gafni » Blog - Spiritually Incorrect » Integral Evolutionary Kabbalah » Integral Religion » Unique Self / Soul Prints » Videos » World Spirituality » Why Evolve Beyond the Separate Self? with Marc Gafni

In this video teaching, Dr. Marc Gafni defines with his students during his annual five-day Urban Retreat in the Summer of 2010, the notion of Separate Self. What is the Separate Self? How do we know our True Self? Marc Gafni introduces and explains that each person is a skin encapsulated ego (to borrow the phrase) and needs to move beyond one’s Separate Self towards one’s True Self, ultimately realizing one’s Unique Self.


Dr. Marc Gafni holds his doctorate from Oxford University. He is a rabbi and an iconoclastic teacher ofKabbalah and World Spirituality. He is the director with Ken Wilber, Sally Kempton and Diane Hamilton of the Integral Life Spiritual Center and core founder and faculty member of iEvolve: Global Practice Community. He has written seven books, including the national bestseller Soul Prints, and The Mystery of Love, an exploration of the relationship between the sexual, the erotic, and the sacred. Gafni’s teaching is marked by a deep transmission of open heart, love and leading edge provocative wisdom. Gafni’s path of personal evolution, in both the agony and the ecstasy of what he calls “sacred autobiography,” woven together with profound reverence and reading of sacred texts have formed the context for his teaching. It is from this place of broken-hearted humility, radical joy and sacred audacity that he teaches. Gafni is considered by many to be a visionary voice in the founding of a new World Spirituality.

Meet Dr. Marc Gafni, Visionary Philosopher,
Author, and Social Innovator